
Situated in west-central Italy, Lazio region has much to show. Centuries of history, natural reserves and hidden gems, archaeological sites, lakes and beaches: the Lazio region hosts Rome, the city of all cities, but cherishes much more. The region is wide and full of treasures: within its territory you have mountains and the sea, rivers, lakes and volcanos. The designated destination in Lazio is mostly Rome, but all over the region there are important archaeological sites and places of cultural interest. Besides the historical center of Rome and the Vatican, are Unesco World Heritage Sites also the Hadrian’s Villa, retreat for Roman Emperor Hadrian, the Villa D’Este, a Renaissance masterpiece, both in Tivoli, the Etruscan Necropolis of Cerveteri and Tarquinia, in the province of Viterbo, the area of Mount Cimino and Regional Natural Park of Bracciano-Martignano, a protected area included between Lake Bracciano and Lake Martignano.