
Veneto in a region in the north-eastern area of Italy and includes Venezia, Padova, Verona, Treviso and many other great cities. The northern limit of Veneto is marked by a mountainous area, including the Dolomites, the southern part consists of a fertile plain extending to the Gulf of Venice and drained chiefly by the Po, Adige, Brenta, Piave, and Livenza rivers, the mouths of which form an extensive delta area with shore lagoons. Veneto holds art cities and small historic hamlets, nature oasis and mountains, fortified citadels, noble villas and holiday resorts by the sea and the lake. The Veneto is a wine producing area with several famous Italian varieties – both red and white – coming from the region. A lot of grape production focuses on local varieties, but more international varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay are also grown.